Tae Kwon Do Class


    Connie Johnson

    How much is this class? And are the instructors certified? Do we participate in tournaments?

    Evanston Alliance Church

    The classes are free. The only cost is belts that are earned in rank tests. You would need to ask Master Stookey what certifications he holds. You’re welcome to come check out a class and ask him any questions you may have. There are no tournaments that they currently participate in.

    Tony Pierce

    Good afternoon, this is Tony Pierce, I am interested in joining you in training, will I need to purchase my own taekwondo ghee before class, what will I need to bring for class on monday? If you would like you can call me at 801-674-4007, thank you for your time in this matter

    Evanston Alliance Church

    You are welcome to purchase your own ghee or you can come in workout clothes. No need to bring anything. The class is free. If you decide to continue and eventually do rank tests, then you will need to pay for belts. Otherwise, just come and join the class. Thanks!

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