Worship Arts

Worship Arts

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17

We were created to worship God. Worship both flows out of a vibrant relationship with God and it cultivates a deeper relationship with God. True worship only takes place when the believer submits to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in an attitude of gratitude, adoration, and submission. The expression of worship is defined by culture. Churches grow stronger when they cultivate an atmosphere of worship that is Scripturally correct and culturally relevant. All of the senses enter into worship so worship should effect all of the senses. The Arts reached their greatest expression within the confines of church worship during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. This is as it should be. A church that is devoid of heartfelt worship becomes legalistic and rigid. A church that emphasizes worship only becomes shallow and prone to error. But, when a church cultivates an atmosphere of true worship ground in the Word of God, that church becomes a force in the lives of its members and in the community.

One of the greatest privileges is to be a part of a dynamic team of singers and musicians who each week meet to minister to one another and hear from God as they plan and practice for the upcoming worship services. The music ministry of Evanston Alliance Church seeks to glorify God through dynamic worship using God-ordained talent and gifts in a unified team effort. It is our utmost purpose and desire for our team to please the Lord first-given with a heart after God- thereby moving the hearts of His people in an expression of love. Our worship incorporates all of the arts including music, singing, choir, drama, dance, and other expressions of the fine arts.  Our Expressive Arts Page.

The worship team meets on Thursday nights at the church.


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