About EAC

About EAC


The Evanston Alliance Church is committed to bring glory to God as we gather to worship Jesus Christ, to bring people to faith in Christ, and to teach them to live as followers of Christ in a community of faith, in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, and in faithfulness to the Word of God.


  • To guide people of all ages into meaningful worship of Jesus Christ, in both spirit and the truth of God’s Word.
  • To share with our community and the world the good news of abundant life through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • To pass our faith on to our children and to challenge them to service for Jesus Christ.
  • To teach believers to live in obedience to Jesus Christ in the power of His Holy Spirit.
  • To encourage believers to pray and care for one another as members of a community of faith in Jesus Christ.
  • To enable families to live together in a manner which models the love of Jesus Christ for His Church.
  • To organize and carry out the business of the church in a way that honors Jesus Christ.

Statement of Faith

As a church in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, we hold to The Alliance Statement of Faith